The end of the Plug and Play MIMA, and MIMA2
MIMA introduction
MIMA Operation
MIMA Users Page
Installing MIMA with The Plug and Play harness
Installing MIMA with the pin replacement harness
The MIMA Joystick
The MIMA Display
The FAS system
Cable impedance problem with last MIMA systems.
Learning to drive with MIMA
Hardwired Harness
Level 1 Installation
2. Disassembly
3. Thread the Harness
4. Threading the Harness, Cont'
5. Opening the Harness
6. Level 1 Install (rear connections)
7. Fan Diodes Install
8. Battery Amp Monitor Rear Connections
9. Mounting the MIMA system in the car.
10. Level One wiring test.
Test 1: Confirm car starts, and no IMA codes
MCM reset
Test 2: confirm 13.6 volts
Test 3: confirm VSS
Test 4: confirm battery amp monitor connections
11. Level 1 Check first power up
12. The first MIMA operational test
13. Testing the fan control wiring
14. Confirming temp probe and fan control operation
Level 2 install
Theory of Operation

Test 1: Confirm car starts, and no IMA codes

Start the car. The car should start with the IMA motor, and have no check engine or IMA lights illuminated.

Since the harness was disconnected from the MCM and BCM, it is possible that the car will start with the 12V starter, and show an IMA light. If this happens follow the procedure for an MCM reset below, or if no lights and normal IMA starting, go to test 2.

This test also confirms that the MAMODE1, and CMDPWR connections are being properly jumpered by the test connector, and therefore are connected to the proper Main ribbon connector wires. Since they are jumpered, they could still be reversed, but we will discover that once we do the power on test.