Engine Blanket 6/03/07 One of the obstacles to be overcome, was the near certainty of the pulleys abrading the blanket, should they come in contact over some length of time. On the left side of the engine bay, things get a little tight, and; although the material has excellent resistance to abrasion, it would be in the best interest of things, not to let the pulleys rub on the blanket material. The pulley paddle is born. Made from aluminum of course, it is secured to the engine with an aluminum bracket which is mounted just above the VTEC solenoid, and just below the left end of the fuel rail. The paddle is then attached to the bracket with two thumb screws. It extends down to encompass the face of the A/C pulley, which is on the bottom of the engine. The paddle is bent so as to spring away from the rotating pulleys. On the lower portion, there is a rub guard, made from a piece of conveyor belting. Should road vibration cause the paddle to flex, and slap the face of the A/C pulley, this rub guard will keep any unwelcome noise down, hopefully. We'll see.
(Edit: 6/10/07) I added another bracket to the lower portion of the paddle, that secures it to the lower A/C compressor mount. This prohibits the paddle from being drawn toward the compressor pulley, when the bottom panel of the blanket would be installed. I like this much better as the paddle cannot slap the face of the pulley. Also condensed some of the pictures, and posts into this one.)
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The Pulley Paddle