Engine Blanket 10/21/07Took the Insight out for a first run with the blanket. Nothing catastrophic to report, on a 23 mile round trip run. This was driving in my default style of trying to maximize FE. I did do a few hills in 3rd, to see if there were any short term consequences. Ambient temp (F) was in the low 70's, running from 72.7 to 75.1. The highest temp recorded under the blanket, was 215 in the hot air pickup tube coming from the cat. Other temps under the blanket, in areas of possible concern were: 173.8 above the CV boot that is just below the cat; 182.2 between the cat and the block; 156.6 at the lower O2 sensor wires; 190.0 at the #2 coil pak just above the cat.
Short story is, I didn't see any show stoppers, so I'll give it a commute test tomorrow. Although it was 73F ambient, I plugged in the block heater for 2 hours before I left. Since the desire was to see what the temps would rise to inside the blanket, I figured to start as hot as I could. This will be another advantage of the blanket; to keep more of the heat in when using the block heater. The ambient won't effect what the block heater is trying to do, as much as it would on a naked:) block.
Some observations that I did make: All temps do rise during a FAS. This would be logical since the air is no longer blowing through/around the engine compartment to cool everything down, as it has shown to do, on prior data. This was the point of the engine blanket: trying to hold on to some coolant temperature between trips, and also during a FAS, or upcoming EV segment. Hopefully, the rise during FAS is an indicator that it will work as planned, during a longer shut-down period.
We'll see how a commute shutdown works tomorrow. It is supposed to turn pretty chilly tonight, down in the low 30's(F).
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Top side of Engine Blanket.