MIMA Insight System
The end of the Plug and Play MIM
MIMA introduction
MIMA Operation
MIMA Users Page
Installing MIMA with The Plug an
Installing MIMA with the pin rep
The MIMA Joystick
The MIMA Display
The FAS system
Cable impedance problem with las
Learning to drive with MIMA
Hardwired Harness
Theory of Operation
Products and projects
Grid Charger
Grid charger owners and location
Grid charger code V3.0 manual
Understanding the charging and b
Pack discharger
SOC reset device
Insight Battery pack lifter
Grid charger test adapters
Reprogramming the charger
Installing the Genesis One Unive
Installing the Genesis One Unive
Harness options
The Universal Grid Charger
MIMA Pack Whack and rebalancing
Mikes Insight
EV Insight with a Prius heart
Grid charger Operating Instructi
Designing a PHEV system for th
Doug's V-Boost
Randall's Insight
Paul's Adventures in alternative
Western Washington University X-
Finding The Best Hybrid Mix
E-wheel for any vehicle
New England Hybrid Festival 2013
Mikes You Tube Videos
Mikes Saturday Hybrid-Solar- Ele
Insight 20 AH lithium battery
Grid charger Users page
Mikes Surplus Loft
Renewable energy exhibits
New England Hybrid festival 2014
Charlton MA earth day
Garlic and Arts festival Solar e
NE Hybrid Car and Green Energy F
Alternative energy seminar
Tolland 4H fair
New Event
Third New England Hybrid gatheri
Thompson Community day
Webster Earth day
Contributers and sponsors
Photo galleries
Related sites & Links
Mikes Blogs
New consulting relationship with
What actually goes wrong with th
A look at todays Hybrid and EV b
Battery packs exposed
Keeping Warm In New England
Plugging into the SUN
Making a small solar concentrato
Building MIMA and the plug in ad
Converting a telephone truck to
DIY dual pulse Capacitor Dischar
Chevy Bolt EV joins the family
Getting in shape while making el
Replacing gasoline with solar el
What is Genesis One?
How to stop the aging process DI
MIMA Install Day 2005 a Big Succ
Building a hybrid car grid charg
Tapping into the Wind
Expanding MIMA with the Distribu
Mikes Tips
aluminum tape again
Auto brake light
Back hoe log splitter
Black tape and PVC cement
Broken gas can cap
C-band dish solar furnace
Making a Cheap battery State Of
Cleaning the corroded buss bars
Fixing small plastic gears
Forever solar desk lamp
How I splice audio cables
IMA motor coil shift in collisio
Insight Battery pack turbo coole
Insight Oil Pan second chance
Lifting the battery safely
making a ducted blower from a co
Making an isolated hall effect c
making a heavy workbench mobile
Making a simple IMA bypass conne
Making some custom solar panels
Measuring resistance of less tha
Motorizing a snow blower chute
Put your exercize to good use?
Quick way to make a connector fo
Reading the blink codes
Real time external MPG display
Rear view Video cameras
Solar headlight
Soldering iorn degausser
Some uses of laser pointers
Taking Video of the dash
Those useful Prius subpacks
Using digital caliper to measure
weed whacker motor converted to
When cleaning the EGR does not f
Where do you find high quality a
Handy use for Aluminum tape.
What's New
Contact Us
New consulting relationship with GreenTecAuto begins
What actually goes wrong with the batteries????
A look at todays Hybrid and EV battery packs
Battery packs exposed
Keeping Warm In New England
Plugging into the SUN
50A 600VAC transfer relay
AC source transfer relay is finished
Adding some new batteries
All weather dish movers
Almost ready to wire things up
Assembling the parts for the load manager
Beating on the system/ use it or loose it
Better solar absorber plate
Better Specific gravity instrument
bringing in the batteries
Burgers are better
California or bust! Solar modified mobility scooter
Canning pot
canning season is here again
Concentrate the heat test #4
Connecting battery bank #2
Cooking some hotdogs
Crappy luck with the weather
Designing a simpler and lower cost solar tracking amplifier
Equilizing the batteries
Everything is working again.
Finally installed
Finally nearing completion of the battery enclosure
multytracker 1
First test
Getting a BIG solar plug
Getting some experience with DC
Getting started on the final wiring
Getting too old to be slinging 120 lb batterys into the rack
Giving the batteries a workout
Hot water tank as energy storage component test 1
Hot water test 2
Identifing the wires, and mounting the Inverter panel
Insulated hibachi reaches baking temperatures
keeping the head cool
keeping warm.
Sue Dabrowski (my better half) makes some solar eggs
Lightning the super fast EV minibike
Looking the data
Main structure of battery rack is finished
Making some stewed tomatoes
making the connection to the existing wiring
making the DC pos buss bars
More improvements to the dish
Multy purpose tracker 1
New tracking amplifier
No more throw away batteries please
Not very encouraging test # 3
Old Rear projection TV lens makes solar furnace
power distribution box fabrication
preparing to connect the big loads
Reading Specific Gravity accurately
running off grid all day
Running on batteries
Second test
Snow melt prep for test 2
Snow melt test one A close look at the process
solar cell adhesion test #1
Solar cells on my Insight ????
Solar cooker gets some wheels
Solar cookout in 20 degree weather
Solarfest 2013
Solarfest is next weekend so it is time to tweak the tools
Solar powered wood burner X-Y stage
Solar powered wood burner focus and lens assembly
Solar teaching toys
Solar tracking with no electronics" Solar Puppet"
Starting the rewiring
The 7 foot circle of sunlight moves to rear deck.
the final high current connections
the finished load center and charge controller connections
the heavy lifters arrive
The new batteries are finally installed and working
The snow is returning???
The snow keeps on coming, need to figure out a good way to keep the panels clear
The sun is dropping 1KW/SQ meter
The transfer relay is wired in and working.
Tracking the sun Big Time
Mikey's solar panel snow sweeper
Vertical and horizontal trackers installed, drive wheel controls
Very interesting heating element
Who pulled the plug?
Wood burning art ?
Yuck, more snow
Making a small solar concentrator
Building MIMA and the plug in adapters
Converting a telephone truck to electric
DIY dual pulse Capacitor Discharge Spotwelder
Chevy Bolt EV joins the family
Getting in shape while making electricity
Replacing gasoline with solar electric lawn equipment
What is Genesis One?
How to stop the aging process DIY
MIMA Install Day 2005 a Big Success!
Building a hybrid car grid charger
Tapping into the Wind
Expanding MIMA with the Distribution board ( users projects )
Better solar absorber plate
Better solar reciever gives higher temperatures
I machined some concentric grooves in the graphite to better absorb the solar energy and reduce reflective losses
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Invisible Gold 3.907
- 3/4/2025 -