Holy Bat Dropings Robin it is an electric car
![Holy Bat Dropings Robin it is an electric car](https://99mpg.com/getimage.asp?id=/projectcars/thebesthybridmix/holybatdropingsrob/&filename=evrouteprofile.jpg&mode=0) | |
EV Range test route profile
I am so happy. We went to a late movie, and on the return trip, the secondary highway (45mph limited) was pretty much deserted. I had finally put a furnace air filter over the air inlet of the blower, and ran a new wiring tube to the car underside so I could turn on the blower. I started with a 48V charge of about 98%. I got into autostop at a light, put the car in neutral, and clutch out. I put down the 5th wheel with blower running, and took off. I got up to 30 mph pretty quickly, and found that I was cruising at about 28-32, depending on the direction of the grade. The slightest down hill, and the current will drop right down. The surprising part was the hill climbing. On some hills that would normally be a problem, (< 50mpg) in 4th at 30mph; I was cruising right up them with the speed only dropping to 25mph. Remember this is at 175A peak, the motor can take 300A. Now the good part, I watched the motor temp, it was stable at 102F, and I never saw it over 107F even after a 1/2 mile hill. I continued for 23 miles like this, with the FCD at 150mpg, and the l/100klm at 0. I will know the amount of battery charge that it took to do it when the battery has all night to settle out, but it is above 40 %SOC for sure. Maybe a 30-40 mile range on pure electric, with lead acid batteries. HOW COOL IS THAT! I should try a 3:1 ratio, as I bet it would have enough power to go up to 45mph. While I am at it, I should put an encoder on it, and have it spin up to the same speed as the road before the cylinder pushes it down, then you could engage it on the fly, and also have regenerative charging of the 48V pack. The bigger EV only cars, use two Etek motors shaft to shaft, for doubling of the power. Lots of possibilities.