universal dual stage grid charger
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wide range constant current charger
I wired up the two stage grid charger and powered it up. Put a switch on each of the four 48V supplies, and a master switch that turns on the two CC supplies. A 6A diode across each of the power supplies output terminals so current has a way to get back to the CC power supply negative when the 48V supply is off.The diode drop about 2 V when all of the supplies are off.
Each of the 48V fixed supplies can be adjusted from 40-53V.
With all of the 48 supplies turned off, we have a 350mA and 700mA CC supply that has 4 diodes in series with it. This gives us a choice of 350mA, 700mA, or 1050mA. The current can be supplied over a CC range of ~6V to 46V.( 2V lost in diodes) A single subpack to 5 subpacks.
Turn on one of the 48V supplies, and we add an adjustable 40-54V Total CC range ~40V within a range of ~43 to 100V (Half of an Insight pack)
two supplies ~83-154V (InsightII 100V pack)
three ~123-208V (Insight and Civic pack)
four ~163-262V (Prius pack)
5 or more to do any hybrid battery out there.
The CC supplies work perfectly in parallel, so in theory one could put 10 or more in parallel to get a 6-48V 7A+ power supply. Lots of possibilities.