Other locations for the Joystick
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The shift lever mount is a must for me, but driving with your arm stretched out while on the highway in 5th, can be tiresome, so another cruising joystick in a very comfortable arm position location seemed like a good idea, therefore the e-brake mount. Nemystic chose the wiper stalk, as he likes to drive with both hands on the wheel.Predrag and Yves chose the bottom of the shift console which allows your hand to sit on the e-brake lever. This comfortable area has only one drawback, you have to make a hole in the shift console, but you are never going to take MIMA out of you insight anyways so it does not matter right? The shift console rear is looking like this may become one of the other more popular places to mount either your single or second joystick. I chose the e-brake arm, since I did not want to cut the hole, and except for a little wierdness when you want to release the e-brake,it is working out well for me. Rick was #001,and at the time he was making some very long commutes,he uses an arm rest, so the slideable e-brake mount fit his need well. The only limits are your imagination.