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Grid charger stuff
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Grid charger stuff

Grid charger stuff
The grid charger design was a hit, and has already brought back many packs.
The newest drawing is the universal hybrid battery charger. This is described here:
universal grid charger
Hope we can save a bunch more.
New chargers are nearing completion, so hope you can struggle with your weak and failing battery a bit longer.

Download: basicgridchargerv1.pdf
Download: celldropouttest.pdf
Download: charger_connector_specs.pdf
Download: chargerv2.2-1manual.pdf
Download: currentdefaultvariables.pdf
Download: cycledataformat.pdf
Download: dischargerindependant.pdf
Download: dual_stage_grid_charger1.pdf
Download: dumbchargerbasedrawing.pdf
Download: fan_blowercontrol.pdf
Download: gcinstr2_4_2.pdf
Download: gcinstr3_0_c.pdf
Download: gen1insightandcivicpacktestlog2.pdf
Download: genesisonellcwaiverofliability.pdf
Download: gridchargerorderform2_4_2013.pdf
Download: gridchargersbatch1.pdf
Download: incarharnessv2.pdf
Download: labviewcycledatatest.pdf
Download: labviewgraphtest.pdf
Download: productiondischargerrev2.pdf
Download: ptcchargersafety2.pdf
Download: ptctempvsresistance-2.pdf
Download: smartchargerv2.8code.hex
Download: tempboard.pdf
Download: currentchargervariables12_12_12.jpg
Download: cycledataformat.jpg
Download: deepdischargeaftersoak.jpg
Download: dischargecycle7dropoutregion.jpg
Download: hchii2006_2008.jpg
Download: simplechargerharness.jpg
Download: tempandfanboards.jpg