Grid Charger
Grid charger owners and location, as well as some service links for hybrid services
Grid charger code V3.0 manual
Understanding the charging and balancing process
Pack discharger
SOC reset device
Insight Battery pack lifter
Grid charger test adapters
Reprogramming the charger
New adapter
Programmer and adapter kit
Installing the Genesis One Universal grid charger in an Insight
Installing the Genesis One Universal grid charger in a First Gen Civic
Harness options
The Universal Grid Charger
MIMA Pack Whack and rebalancing the battery
Mikes Insight
EV Insight with a Prius heart
Grid charger Operating Instructions V1.2
Designing a PHEV system for the Civics, Insight 1 and 2 ------------Micro V-Buck PHEV
Doug's V-Boost
Randall's Insight
Paul's Adventures in alternative evergy
Western Washington University X-Prize car
Finding The Best Hybrid Mix
E-wheel for any vehicle

Programmer and adapter kit

Programmer and adapter kit
Programmer and adapter kit

I ordered some of the iCP01 programmers and am offering them with the adapter so you can get set up to upgrade your Smart charger or OBDIIC&C software

The operator manual for the programmer is available here:
programmer operators manual
and the PICkit 2 software is available here:

Video instructions for charger code update will be here:
Hardware connections using the programming kit:
software install and programming
PicKit software install,loading HEX file and programming the charger
What happens in the charger during programming:
What happens on the charger when programming

The cost of the adapter is $20+ postage
The cost of the kit with programmer is $35+ postage
The hex code for the latest V3.0 version of the charger operating system
V3.01 Jan 14 charger code hex file

The DdischgVred should be reset to 25. after you reprogram the charger wity V3.0.
Since we did not clear the eeprom (want to save the car profile, current cal, and temp calibration.) that new variable was left at the 255 (cleared eeprom) value, and the default variables were not written because the eeprom looked fine to the boot up.
If you set that to 25, all should work normally.
