Does it all work
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Some MPG test
The proof is in the results. It is important to realize that by using what is called Pulse and Glide techniques which involve rather slow speed driving, and a lot of pure engine off coasting that MPG numbers greater than what I am demonstrating can be achieved. It is possible under favorable road conditions to have the motor on to off ratio be as much as 4:1 A great fuel saver when the conditions are right.The down side, the speed is always varying, and it cannot be safely used when in traffic, without effecting the MPG of the other drivers.
I like 55-65 MPH on the highway, and 35-40 on secondary 45 mph speed limit roads. Any comparison of pure MPG numbers will be quite misleading if the average speed is not considered. Tour de sol The course was 200 miles of hilly terrain with a long highway section. My booster batteries and dc/dc converter were functional, but I burned out my charger, so I started the long trek with less than a full charge. The charge was totally depleted in about 30-45 minutes, so the remainder of the race was with no boost but with 300 lbs of batteries. I only got 78.2 MPG on that leg of the race. I got 92.5 MPG on the drive in 100 mile section (over the Berkshires) with a full charge. Wayne was the champ, using his P&G techniques to fullest advantage under some nasty conditions.
After the event, I completely rebuilt the 5th wheel which at that time only had a 1/4 HP wheel chair motor, and cleaned up the wiring and other systems. I can now charge the booster batteries from solar or from the power grid.
Midwest Hybrid festival Drove out to Madison, and thanks to Johnson Controls I was able to borrow 4 Optima yellow top batteries. They were fully charged, and the 5th wheel was fully functional. The 20 mile course was perfect for pulse and glide, and low speed driving, but I decided to keep to my plan of driving at more or less the normal speed for the roads. At this point in the cars development, I had very limited experience with the system, so I was learning as I drove. I got lost several times, and had to recover, so my times and MPG could have been better. I scored 121.7MPG for the course.
Ipswich Green car festival The weekend following my return from Madison gave me another opportunity to test my system. The MPG challenge was 23 miles of typical New England roads, including a short section of I-95. Again I got lost, but was able to pull in a 122.6 MPG for the course. As I gain experience, I expect to be seeing even higher numbers in the near future. The Ewheel was not used for either of the two races, as the cooling system had not been finished. Can't wait for next years compititions.